Pure Origins


Pure Origins

"Honey, where do we all come from?" "Who really knows my love...the beginning of the universe is a mystery"

Not so for the sweet nectar of the Gods at least, thanks to good, honest, working bees who believe in the transparency of their work and are willing to die to keep the rich, liquid gold in existence and life itself! Albert Einstein is reputed to have said, " If the bee disappears off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left. No pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man." Highly prized throughout the history of civilization, honey is the only food that does not spoil and so truly lasts forever. Who said nothing lasts forever? Just ask the Egyptians, who left it in the tombs for a delicious treat; also used to embalm the dead. "Yes, honey has many uses my love! It's nature's natural energy booster, who needs a nasal spray!" Unadulterated, pure pleasure, provided by nature. Like with Eve, he simply could not resist! Man was first captivated by the sweet, aromatic smell of the liquid gold, some 10 000 years ago. Worth all the bee stings you could say. But which honey is best for us today?

Pure Origins. This is precisely the point of difference, this boutique, Adelaide food company can boast, with its founding director, ironically allergic to bees! Despite the many stings, they must still be respected Luca says, and worshiped as they have been by our ancestors for thousands of years. It may no longer be the ideal source of currency and taxes, but today honey is still the great natural sweetener with a multitude of benefits. In a market place where many food companies, profess to be the bees knees of natural products, who then, should the discerning customer put their faith in when seeking the highest quality, all natural food products? " In Nature We Trust" Pure Origins, only trust in nature, so naturally, so should the consumer when selecting honey. All their products are unique like no other. To the lover of honey and those yet to discover its great pleasure and benefits, Pure Origin honey is all single origin and is not heat treated, but rather, most importantly, cold extracted to preserve the highest nutritional value and integrity of this precious, ancient food.

Pure Origins have sourced their honey from the most pristine, clean, green and pure locations of Australia. It is in this relentless search for the best of what Australia has to offer, that makes this unique label, founded on passion for nature, the perfect choice for Australian food and beverage products. Well, if a busy working bee can visit as many as 10 000 flowers in a day, why shouldn't we search far and wide? A genuine respect for bees and the honey they produce perfectly in nature, is what this company is about, bringing its natural products conveniently to the consumer in a pure, unadulterated state, the way nature intended it to be!

Certificate Info

A.A. member


Valid Date.:2022/03/15


Pure Origins


Pure Origins

Notes: This product is a member who is concerned about the guidance. Its product ingredients are being revised and have not yet obtained formal certification. Once the improvement is completed and the inspection is passed, it will become a certified product announced by our association.