Tosier Chocolate Maker


Tosier Chocolate Maker

“I launched Tosier Chocolatemaker at The Aldeburgh Food & Drink Festival, Suffolk in 2017 after years of living abroad and having enjoyed tasting many different styles of chocolate. I became more and more interested and eventually set out on a journey to learn how to make real chocolate from the bean.

I have always loved making things by hand and my decision to learn how to make chocolate was an extension of that. It was hard work as small batch chocolate making is a kind of alchemy, it’s a tricky substance and these early days involved a lot of trial and error and beginner’s luck. My first attempts tasted good and this encouraged me on to learn more.

So, to improve my understanding of the theory and context of chocolate I took Ecole Chocolat’s bean-to-bar course  and later a hands-on course at Cocoatown with Chloe Doutre-Roussel and Marie Fernanda Di Giacobbe in Atlanta, Georgia. This experience working directly with these two remarkable and inspirational women really ‘set the fire’ and I was determined to try and make world class chocolate. Whilst in the US I bought the additional equipment I needed and that was the point of no return!

Tosier chocolate is handmade in our dedicated small-batch chocolate factory - sorting, cracking, winnowing, grinding and conching our chocolate in twenty-four kilo batches. Making on this small scale enables us to keep a close eye on every stage of the process and produce the best quality chocolate.

Provenance and traceability are really so important. Tosier is part of a transparent supply chain which ensures that farmers get a fair price and which creates a meaningful impact for cocoa-growing communities.”

Certificate Info

A.A. member


Valid Date.:2022/03/15


Tosier Chocolate Maker


Tosier Chocolate Maker