We want everyone to be able to enjoy our page and share in our love of tea and the small things that can make a big difference to your day.

We ask that everyone treats each other with kindness and respect. We reserve the right to remove posts that we deem to be offensive, containing obscenity or posts that reveal private information such as contact details. In addition, to help keep this a fun and interesting place for everyone involved, we reserve the right to remove comments that we consider to be spam. This means comments that repeat the same content multiple times or comments that are irrelevant to the page.

We will never aim to censor and appreciate all feedback. These rules are simply to help ensure everyone has a safe and open place to discuss a common interest.

Finally, all comments also need to comply with Facebook’s own terms of use.

We look forward to talking to you!

Certificate Info

A.A. member


Valid Date.:2022/03/15





Notes: This product is a member who is concerned about the guidance. Its product ingredients are being revised and have not yet obtained formal certification. Once the improvement is completed and the inspection is passed, it will become a certified product announced by our association.