Schulz Organic Dairy


Schulz Organic Dairy

Since 1972, Schulz Organic Dairy has proudly been producing the highest quality cows milk across three dedicated generations of farmers, all beginning with Hermann and Marlis Schulz across the other side of the world in Germany.

Schulz fled from East Prussia to West Germany in 1945, where he started his career as an apprentice farmer. After finding love with Marlis and marrying in Hamburg in 1954, Hermann and Marlis migrated to Australia in pursuit of greener pastures and in 1970 purchased a 244-acre dairy farm in Timboon. From 1972, Hermann and Marlis, together with their eldest son Michael, ran the farm as a biodynamic farm. Due to a downturn in the dairy industry and having little money to purchase chemicals required for conventional farming, the Schulz family had little choice but to adapt their farming practices to match their resources.

These biodynamic principles weren’t foreign to the Schulz family, as Marlis had worked in an organic grocer back in Germany and Hermann had always held an interest in the health food industry. Hermann “The German” became known for his innovative farming practices in Timboon. He introduced electric fencing to the property and would share his research on European farming practices in discussion groups with interested farmers.

We’ve carried on these biodynamic and organic principles to enhance the vitality of the soil, grasses and animals. We work hard to produce a product that is truly pure, simple and delicious. Our products are still processed on the farm, in small batches with great care and attention to detail and cleanliness. Made from whole milk of our healthy A2 dominant Friesian and Jersey Cows, we add nothing but natural ingredients. With our herd we strive to create the ideal Organic/Biodynamic farm - a self sufficient system that builds and sustains soil fertility through crop rotation and farm composts. Prevention rather than treatment is our secret; we use no chemicals, hormones, herbicides or pesticides on our farm, and in the event a cow requires antibiotic treatment, she will not contribute to our supply for between 6 months to indefinitely.

We are located near a small township in the south west of Victoria named Timboon, approximately 20 minutes from the famed 12 apostles. Our area is in a band of very lush land that reaches from Warrnambool to the Otway’s, typically the princes highway divides us from the drier parts of the state and we are far enough from the sea to hear it on still nights but not get the salt mists. This unique area receives some of the highest reliable rain falls in the state. Over the years we have added thick bush dividers across the farm to assist rainfall, cattle comfort, soil management, and now CO2. With all these elements we are able to become more sustainable and a goal of ours is to one day become completely self sufficient.

Upon reading of our history, a phone call from sustainability guru Joost Bakker has evolved into our milk being available in stainless steel cans for food service customers, helping us to reduce the amount of single use plastic we create. In October 2017 we began a farmers market trial providing returnable milk refillable glass. As of August 2018 we are crowdfunding to expand this program to retail customers by partnering with independent grocers willing to facilitate a bottle deposit program to ensure their safe & clean return upon next delivery for sterilisation and refilling upon return to Timboon.

Certificate Info

A.A. member


Valid Date.:2022/03/15


Schulz Organic Dairy


Schulz Organic Dairy

Notes: This product is a member who is concerned about the guidance. Its product ingredients are being revised and have not yet obtained formal certification. Once the improvement is completed and the inspection is passed, it will become a certified product announced by our association.