Sekino Ichi


Mr. Minamimori's traditional technique

Groundwater that springs from the Ou Mountains and carefully selected sake rice are brewed with the skill of Mr. Minamimori, who has a reputation for brewing ginjo sake. Yamada Nishiki, Gohyakumangoku, Toyonishiki, and Gingin are made with four types of sake rice, refreshing water, and yeast that produces a high ginjo aroma. We are making efforts every day with the aim of becoming "the best sake brewing that pleases the people of the world," such as challenging long-term aged old sake as well as standard sake.

Thoughts on sake

The origin of our name "Sake Brewery Seki" is "Aiming to make the best sake that makes people happy." As the name suggests, we strive every day to make sake that pleases us. However, as the times change, I feel that it is necessary to make new sake for the future in addition to the traditional sake brewing of Mr. Mori. And we are currently making the place. We are rebuilding the stone warehouse that collapsed due to the earthquake and establishing a new factory with the aim of completing it in 2017 as a place for new sake brewing. This activity is not just for young people to brew sake, but as a new improvement to connect with the local community and customers, and with the desire that "Sake Brewery wants to smile with customers." Please look forward to the new sake brewing of the world.


Certificate Info

A.A. member


Sekino Ichi


Sekino Ichi