Source:Country & Town House

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Health Food Trends 2020

Fermented Foods Movement

As more and more of us strive to improve our gut health in 2020, fermented foods are becoming an increasingly popular source of gut-friendly probiotics. Yoghurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, tempeh and kimchi are all on the health food hot list, with more and more people trying their hand at at-home fermentation – check out Robin Gill’s guide here. For those wanting to give it a go without a kitchen full of vegetable juices, however, Eaten Alive’s vegan, non-pasteurised kimchi and hot sauces are a must-try.



You will have heard rumblings of biohacking for a few years now but 2020 is the year the health trend will go global. In basic terms it means getting to know the needs of your body and specifically tailoring your diet with foods and supplements to increase performance and boost health. You can get an at-home gut microbiome test and a blood test to get you started, but you might want to work with a nutritionist to decode the results for your health food regime…

Smart Hydration

Going hand in hand with the mindful drinking movement that means we’re set to consume less alcohol in 2020, we’re getting smart about drinking more water. Ditch sugary soft drinks this year and try fruit or vegetable-infused smart waters (you can get water-bottles with infusion compartments to make this easier). Alternatively, check out the new vitamin-packed ‘microdrinks’ such as Waterdrop cubes. You can drop these straight into your water to add fruit and plant extracts with no sugar, making them great for on-the-go hydration.

Fancy Flours

Wave goodbye to plain flour as flurry of new alternatives enter the market. Coconut and buckwheat flour are already big news, but next year it’s predicted we’ll see a rise in fruit and vegetable flours, such as banana and cauliflower. Bakers will also be able to boost their creations with ‘super’ flour blends, delivering everything from protein to fibre. 

Snack Smarter


Cutting out snacking might be top of your healthy eating plan for 2020, but if you can’t cut snacks altogether, make sure you snack smarter this year. Ditch crisps and chocolate and find planet and stomach-friendly alternatives – the good news is that ‘healthy’ snacks are one of the biggest trends for 2020 so you’ll have plenty to choose from in this sector. Try Hawker’s plant-based soya and potato popped chips, Sunmo Snacks, Raw Halo chocolate and six ingredient or fewer Larabars.

Eat Clean

Clean eating no longer just refers to cutting down on processed foods and consuming more whole foods (although this is still very much in the frame for 2020). Clean eating this decade means taking a more eco-friendly approach to your diet, with more homemade meals, less packaging and more seasonal, local ingredients. Start by finding your local famers’ market and paying it a visit, and planning your meals carefully to minimise on-the-go snacking.

Plant Milks

Plant milks are set to be more popular than ever in 2020. Almond, soy and rice milk are still old favourites, but oat, coconut, cashew and hazelnut are also on the rise, with hemp and pea milk set to increase in popularity this year thanks to their protein power. Brands like M+lkplus offer ‘nut milk juice’ as on-the-go milkshake alternatives.

Pro Fasting

Intermittent fasting is increasing in popularity with many people choosing to follow the 5:2 or the daily 16:8 diet (where you eat all of your meals inside an eight hour window and fast for the remaining 16). Fasts over a longer period of time are also gaining popularity, with fast mimicking diets like ProLon allowing you to mimic the biological effects of a complete five-day fast without going hungry. Speak to a nutritionist like Kim Pearson if you’re thinking about trying a fast-based diet. The benefits of this fast-mimicking diet reach far beyond weight loss with cellular changes occurring resulting in long-term health benefits.