The 9th A.A. Taste Awards Takes Center Stage at London's Tate Modern Minister for Tech and the Digital Economy, Paul Scully, graced the event and acknowledged sustainable, additive-free brands AUSTRALIA, MALAYSIA, NETHERLANDS, THAILAND, KOREAAnti Additive AssociationOctober 13, 2023NEWS, EN
La Commission fixe de nouvelles limites réduites pour les nitrites et les nitrates en tant qu'additifs alimentaires FRANCEAnti Additive AssociationOctober 11, 2023NEWS, FR
The 9th A.A. Taste Awards winners announced, marking the rise of less additive and sustainable food as a dominant trend in Asia AUSTRALIA, MALAYSIA, NETHERLANDS, THAILAND, KOREAAnti Additive AssociationOctober 6, 2023NEWS, EN
Pain au chocolat, croissant… Attention aux additifs présents dans les viennoiseries qui augmentent les maladies cardiovasculaires FRANCEAnti Additive AssociationOctober 4, 2023NEWS, FR
Emulsifier Food Additives May Increase Heart Disease Risks: Study AUSTRALIA, MALAYSIA, NETHERLANDS, THAILAND, KOREAAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 28, 2023NEWS, EN
《危険な添加物》血圧、血糖値が高めな人は要注意!最も注意が必要なのは“リン”、知らぬまに大量摂取してる身近な食べ物「加工肉やコンビニのおにぎりが危ない」 JAPANAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 28, 2023JP, NEWS
Les granités seraient-ils dangereux pour vos enfants ? FRANCEAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 27, 2023NEWS, FR
Descubre la razón por la que no puedes resistirte a ese segundo bocado: la culpa es del Umami SPAINAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 26, 2023NEWS, ES
Is There a Link Between Ultra-Processed Foods and Depression? AUSTRALIA, MALAYSIA, NETHERLANDS, THAILAND, KOREAAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 22, 2023NEWS, EN
Ce perturbateur endocrinien est présent chez 92% des Européens FRANCEAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 20, 2023NEWS, FR
Por qué cada vez hay más alimentos naturales, 'veggies' y sostenibles (y por qué son mejores para nosotros) SPAINAnti Additive AssociationSeptember 19, 2023NEWS, ES